Strategy of communicative partnership in teaching listening comprehension of students majoring in economics




foreign language, communicative partnership strategy, podcasts, peer monitoring of listening skills, authentic materials, communicative environment, listening competence


The article highlights the issues of teaching listening comprehension to students majoring in economics at higher education institutions using the communicative partnership strategy. Research in the field of using this methodology in teaching listening comprehension is relevant for several reasons: partnership work helps develop communicative skills; partnership in education helps students develop necessary skills for successful careers; communicative partnership creates favorable conditions for interaction and co-construction of knowledge. The article emphasizes the necessity of building an effective communicative environment in the classroom in audio-learning situations and proposes methods to achieve this goal. The role of the teacher in the process of learning audio materials in a foreign language using the communicative partnership strategy is highlighted, as well as manifestations of interaction and mutual assistance among students when listening to foreign-language texts. Recommendations are provided for organizing collaborative work among students when working with audio texts. Approaches to stimulating students' interest in language learning and motivating them through active interaction and involvement in the learning process are suggested. Successful selection of audio texts for listening also contributes to more accurate and deeper understanding and allows for the activation of students' cognitive interest, forming a strong motivation for learning the English language. Analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature indicates that educational materials to meet the professional needs of future economists should be based on authentic texts. The article also demonstrates that podcasts are an effective means of developing students' listening skills in foreign language classes. Significant attention is paid to the role of assessing formed competencies in listening, methods of assessment, and the role of student self-assessment. Recommendations are given for further research in the direction of teaching listening comprehension, as well as the use of group work in teaching foreign languages.


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