Development of mediative competence in Ukrainian migrant students in French language classes




mediation competence, mediation, intercultural competence, communicative competence, migrants


The article is devoted to the analysis of the peculiarities of the formation of mediation competence of Ukrainian migrant students in French language classes. The main emphasis is on defining the essence of mediative competence and its relationship with communicative and intercultural competence. The importance of mediative competence for students learning French in the complex context of war, time constraints, unfamiliar environment and constant stress is outlined, as well as the definition of mediative competence in the Council of Europe’s "General European Recommendations on Language Education", the emergence and evolution of this concept. The author’s definition of mediative competence is presented, under which we understand the integrated quality of students, which is based on the dynamic unity of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, skills, abilities, personal qualities, aimed at an adequate selection of means, with the help of which the speaker makes sure that his interlocutor understands the information and together constructs meanings. Three main groups of mediations are analyzed: text mediation, concept mediation, and communication mediation. Factors that must be taken into account in the process of learning French by migrant students are determined, namely, the heterogeneity of groups in terms of age category, different learning experiences and strategies, different learning goals, culture and customs of the country of origin, level of motivation. Textbooks available on the educational market were analyzed from the point of view of their suitability for teaching migrants and effectiveness in the process of formation of mediation competence, as well as possible exercises to strengthen the mediation component during exercises for the development of written and oral competence. Examples of specific communicative situations for the implementation of mediation during French language classes are offered, as well as approaches to the assessment of the mentioned competence.


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