The use of the Internet resources in teaching listening skills of students IT specialties




Internet, listening, English, education, foreign language environment


In recent years, the issue of using new information technologies at universities has been increasingly raised. These are not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the learning process. The main goal of teaching foreign languages is the formation and development of the communicative culture of IT students, training in practical mastery of a foreign language. These factors indicate the need to actively use the Internet resources in the field of education. The introduction of information technology into the educational process is occupying an increasingly important place in the teaching of not only natural and mathematical disciplines, but also the humanities. The teacher’s task is to create conditions for practical language acquisition for each student, to choose teaching methods that would allow each student to show their activity and creativity. Nowadays, among the Internet resources you can find any theoretical material devoted to the study of the English language, as well as use electronic versions of printed publications, online dictionaries and electronic translators, listen to audio materials and watch videos in unlimited quantities on various sites. Such availability of material, as well as a rich assortment, help make the process of learning English the most interesting and exciting. The creation of an artificial foreign language environment in the process of teaching foreign languages is one of the important problematic issues of modern methodology. It is primarily associated with the implementation of mass training in one of the main types of speech activity – listening. The term “listening” means understanding foreign language speech. Underestimation of listening skills can have an extremely negative impact on the language preparation of IT students. The study of this type of speech activity in the methodology is not deep enough, and the term “listening” is used in the methodological literature relatively recently. In general, listening as an action that is part of oral communicative activity is used in any oral communication subordinated to social or personal needs. Without mastering this type of activity, it is impossible to learn a language and use foreign speech at the level that is necessary at the present stage of development of society.


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