Lexical correlations of business English in business discourse





linguistic communication, linguistic and cultural community, knowledge


In the modern conditions of globalization, which are characterized by the deepening of integration processes in all spheres of social life and the leveling of national and cultural borders, on the one hand, and at the same time the growth of anti-globalist sentiments, which are expressed in the strengthening of movements to protect national sovereignty, the desire for national independence and separation. Scientific study of the modern phenomenon of political communication as a type of language activity, its national and cultural features, identification and resolution of problems that hinder effective intercultural interaction acquires another, important importance. Among the factors affecting the communication process, the peculiarities of national culture, national consciousness and mentality, cognitive value picture of the world are of primary importance. They determine the communicative behavior of representatives of a particular linguistic and cultural community, directly affect both linguistic (verbal) and non-linguistic (non-verbal) communication. From the point of view of the effectiveness of language communication, mastering the language of the given linguistic and cultural community, which is used to communicate, is of primary importance. We share the opinion expressed in the linguistic literature that the concept of language proficiency is a multi-level structure and cannot be limited only to the linguistic factor. In addition to linguistic knowledge, mastery of the language and the ability to use it in the language, including the processes of speaking (writing) and understanding, implies the mastery of other levels of language knowledge – national-cultural, encyclopedic (background) and situational. In the context of the growing importance of intercultural communication, special attention should be paid to the role of media and information technologies in the formation of international understanding and the promotion of dialogue between cultures. Mass media, such as television, radio, and the Internet, not only reflect the cultural realities and interactions of nations, but also actively influence the formation of stereotypes, ideas, and perceptions about other cultures. Therefore, it is important to conduct research and develop communication strategies aimed at promoting mutual understanding and open exchange of cultural values. Such an approach will help to overcome intercultural barriers and help to build harmonious relations in the modern globalized world.


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