Translation in the professional communication: overcoming interference




professionally oriented communication, language interference, identification of text elements, ways to overcome interference, translation equivalence


The article analyzes language interference, which is currently manifested in professionally oriented intercultural communication in the process of establishing international contacts with foreign partners in various spheres of human activity. The process of identifying text elements in the mind of a translator as a prerequisite for interference is considered. It is established that identification can be insufficient, excessive and normal, which leads to the manifestation of negative (destructive) and positive (constructive) interference in professionally oriented communication and translation. Ways to overcome interference in professionally oriented intercultural communication are identified, and ways to overcome orthographic and punctuational interference in written translation are established. Attention is focused on the inevitability of interference as a linguistic phenomenon and on the role of translation in overcoming it in professional communication. It has been proven that interference can be overcome thanks to translation transformations of three types: structural, semantic, and structural-semantic transformations, the essence of which consists in moving, replacing elements, or changing the number of elements – addition or removal. The dependence of interference on the professional competence of the translator, who can reduce it by being aware of the degree of discrepancies between the two languages with which he works, is considered. Otherwise, interlanguage interference leads to blocking of the information transmitted by the text, which will not be perceived properly by the recipient. The study of interference helps to solve many problems and minimize the manifestation of “negative” interference in translation. The article identifies and analyzes the literal and structural reproduction of specific phenomena of the source language by means of the target language, which leads to a violation of cultural traditions, style, norms and usages characteristic of texts of a certain type in the source language. The authors conclude that attention to interlanguage interference is caused by the fact that it is an obstacle to achieving translation equivalence. Professionally oriented communication and translation are closely related to culture or pragmatics in one or another field of knowledge, which is confirmed by pragmalinguistic interference and interference of cultures, which cover the space of many unexplored phenomena.


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