Methodological grounds of equivalence and pragmatic adaptation of English nonfiction in medical field




equivalent rendering, pragmatic adaptation, popular-science texts, medical translation, reader expectations, target audience


An increasing interest is shown in popular-science literature on medical topics, which is grounded by the, wars, global medical system restructuring, international medical cooperation, and individuals` need to stay on peak of productivity. Our study explores methodological grounds of equivalent rendering and pragmatic adaptation involved in such texts, using L.F. Barrett's "Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain" as a case study. We suggest that these adaptations arise from differences in medical systems, reader expectations, and the preferred strategies of individual translators. Using a systematic approach that included methods of deduction and induction, continuous sampling, and comparative analysis, we found that our research supports the initial hypothesis. The findings underscore the importance of considering target audience expectations when selecting the most appropriate translation strategies, and specifically approaching such texts as a whole, on a more global level, rather than just diving deep in contrastive explorations. The theoretical framework lays ground for future inquiries into this area, such as developing comprehensive guidelines for translators working with scientific-popular texts in medical contexts, which will assist in making informed decisions that enhance the readability and accessibility of the translated material. Summing up, it can be stated that the task of effective exchange of scientific information is becoming urgent. It is for this purpose that the popular science sub-style is used. It occupies an important place in modern literature. Due to its appeal to readers, this sub-genre warrants further research in the medical field. After all, it is precisely because of the synthesis of scientific and journalistic styles that difficulties arise when translating similar texts that need to be studied.


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