Language means of expressing the communicative strategy of politeness in Modern English




the category of politeness, linguistic devices, lexical, grammatical and discoursal downtoners


In recent years there has been a growing interest in linguistics to the study of its anthropocentric perspective in general, and the category of politeness, in particular. It is being studied on the material of one language within the limits of a single linguistic and cultural community, as well as on the material of several languages in various linguistic and cultural communities in the works of a great number of scholars The classifications of politeness offered show the dependence of the verbal representation of politeness on a wide range of factors. Each classification, developing different aspects of this phenomenon, aims to determine what the interlocutors should be guided by to successfully realize their communicative intentions. These classifications focus on the fact that different types of politeness have different ways of verbal realization depending on a situation, the interpersonal relationship between the speaker and the addressee, cross-cultural factors. The topicality of the problem under investigation lies in the fact that due to the expansion of the boundaries of international cooperation and the increasing role of intercultural communication, there is a great need to know and follow speech strategies leading to successful communication process. Proceeding from the definition of politeness as a phenomenon implying socially acceptable behaviour based on the attention to the feelings of others, aimed at ensuring a successful, non-conflict interaction associated with the assessment of the behaviour of the speaker by the listener being realized in speech through a certain strategy, we can suggest that language means expressing communicative strategy of politeness is a complex phenomenon having its own reasons, strategies, and is being realized through the whole set of linguistic devices, called downtoners. Among them can be singled out three main groups: lexical, grammatical and discoursal downtoners.


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