Features of translation of lexical lacunae in Taras Shevchenko's collection of poetry “Kobzar”





lexical gaps, poetic discourse, linguistic means,


The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of translation of lexical lacunae in the collection of poetic works by Taras Shevchenko ‘Kobzar’. The paper examines the translations of a number of lexical lacunae in the poetic discourse using comparative, contrastive and translation analyses. The translation of literary works, especially poetry, always causes many difficulties for translators, because the linguistic means of poetry are not just a set of words, but a complex system that conveys the depth of meaning, emotionality and stylistic features of the author. The modern reader, surrounded by a world of visual information, is ready to perceive visual poetry because he or she thinks in synthesised terms and has a rich cultural experience of aesthetic perception. All of this emphasises the need to analyse the specifics of the reader's perception of visual texts. The collection of poetry by Taras Shevchenko ‘Kobzar’ is of particular interest and challenge for translators, as it contains a significant number of lexical lacunae, which are key elements that influence the perception of the work, create a special atmosphere and effect. The translation of lexical lacunae in Taras Shevchenko's poetic works requires a deep understanding of both the source and target languages, as well as the cultural context of both languages. The article investigates the problems of translation transformations in the process of transferring lacunae into another language and outlines possible ways of their reproduction in order to achieve semantic and emotional effectiveness, as well as to preserve the expressiveness and authenticity of the original work. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of how translators cope with the challenges of conveying culturally specific elements, which is important for understanding the context and content of Shevchenko's poetry. A comparative analysis of the means and techniques typical of poetry translation makes it possible to emphasise the organic nature of poetry to human perception, and reveals positive prospects for the further development of Ukrainian poetry.


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