The implementation of artificial intelligence technology (Chat GPT) into the system of training military specialists




artificial intelligence, Chat GPT, English language teaching, military specialists, innovative methods, communicative competence, personalisation of education


With the development of technology and the initiation of AI into the educational process, approaches to learning foreign languages are changing. Innovative methods using AI, such as Chat GPT, are becoming key to effective learning. GPT chatbot is a powerful tool in foreign language learning, offering a wide range of possibilities to improve learning efficiency. Its ability to provide personalised recommendations and individualised support makes it indispensable in developing language competence, especially in specific environments such as military education. The article deals with the analysis of methodological perspectives of implementing AI into teaching English to military specialists. The purpose of the article is to discourse the benefits of introducing Chat GPT into the educational process: individualisation and personalisation of education, providing instant feedback, eliminating the fear of failure, and changing the role of the teacher. The main tasks of the article are to review the functions of AI in the educational process, the possibilities of using Chat GPT to generate dialogues, create educational materials, test knowledge, enhance the effectiveness of educational process, speeding up information search, and facilitating the search for information. According to the results of the studies conducted in the US and South Korea have shown that AI has a positive impact on language learning, in particular, it improves grammar, speaking, and listening skills, and reduces students' anxiety about foreign language communication. Chat GPT can act as a partner in a conversation, provide high-quality feedback and give advice to improve language proficiency, which intensifies the process of developing the language and professional competence of future military professionals. Nevertheless, it is noted that the use of GPT chatbot has its limitations and cannot completely replace live communication and the real context of language use. The conclusions emphasise the importance of integrating AI into the educational process to increase students' motivation and academic performance.


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