Methodology of content learning of a foreign language in the context of reforming language and literature education




CLIL methodology, content learning, communication, cognition, culture, analytical thinking


The relevance of the implementation of the content learning methodology (CLIL) in the practice of teaching foreign languages is considered in the article. How expedient it is to use educational material from various subjects, in particular foreign literature, in the methodology of teaching foreign languages is proven. The integration of linguistic and literary subjects allows to deepen knowledge, form subject competences, and develop the cognitive abilities of pupils and students. The CLIL methodology is spreading in Ukrainian educational institutions regarding to grant programs with European partners, but it has not become widespread in Ukraine yet. The history of the methodology of content learning of foreign languages, its main differences from traditional methods, as well as the latest evaluations of the implementation of CLIL in secondary and higher education is highlighted in the article Prospective directions for the development of implementation and research on the results of the implementation of the methodology of content learning foreign languages in world educational practice are evaluated in accordance with modern challenges Attention is drawn to the main problems of the methodology, that relate to specific methodical techniques for the implementation of content training, the transparency of the coverage of results, etc. Scientists emphasize the further improvement of linguistic, methodological and organizational principles for the implementation of CLIL methodology in secondary and higher education, as there are significant differences in CLIL contexts and CLIL implementation, depending on the socio-cultural conditions and educational policies of the countries involved. Based on the material of the literary discipline «Literary masterpieces of the countries of Europe, America, Asia» it offers specific methods of using literary and cultural content, which contributes to the formation of moral and value, communicative competences. A method of in-depth perception of a literary text is proposed, which allows taking into account the reader’s feelings (sensual reaction), cognitive analysis (analysis of the construction of the work, development of plot lines), as well as the actualization of moral values embedded in a literary work or literature of a certain time, of a certain national literature during bilingual integration.


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