Student-сentered learning and teacher-centered learning in EFL context




student-centered learning, teacher-centered learning, EFL, education, student, teacher


The article explores the contrasting pedagogical approaches in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) education. Teacher-Centered Learning (TCL) traditionally positions instructors as central authorities who deliver knowledge through lectures and direct instruction, emphasizing content mastery and adherence to syllabi. In contrast, Student-Centered Learning (SCL) empowers learners to actively participate in their educational activity, fostering collaboration, critical thinking, and personalized learning experiences adapted to individual needs and interests. The authors argue that while TCL ensures comprehensive content delivery and classroom management, it may hinder student engagement and the development of critical thinking skills necessary for real-world application. In contrast, SCL promotes student autonomy and deeper understanding by encouraging interactive learning activities such as group work, discussions, and problem-solving tasks. This approach not only enhances language proficiency but also cultivates skills essential for dealing with complex global challenges. Moreover, the study highlights the challenges and benefits associated with each approach within the context of EFL education. Despite the documented advantages of SCL, including increased learner motivation and improved communication skills, its implementation faces resistance in environments accustomed to TCL methodologies. Factors such as institutional constraints, the need for additional resources, and cultural considerations influence the effectiveness of adopting SCL practices. In addition, the authors advocate for a balanced approach that integrates elements of both TCL and SCL to optimize learning outcomes in diverse educational settings. They propose that combining structured content delivery with student-centered activities can cater to varying learning styles and preferences, fostering a holistic educational experience. This hybrid model acknowledges the strengths of TCL in foundational knowledge acquisition while harnessing the benefits of SCL in promoting critical thinking and independent learning.


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