
  • Iryna Andrusiak Uzhhorod National University


One of the most urgent and important tasks Ukraine sets before its system of school and university education is raising the standards of foreign language study. Teaching a foreign language involves the integration of two aspects. First, a foreign language is viewed as a system of linguistic signs which are associated with different language levels: phonology, grammar (morphology and syntax) and lexis. Consequently, in terms of teaching we speak about teaching three aspects of language construction: pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. On the other hand, language is a universally accepted means of communication. This means that it is not enough for students to master grammar rules and structures, words and word combinations and rules of their pronunciation. To communicate in language they need to learn how to use phonetic, morphological and lexical means, i.e. to develop skills which are usually referred to as receptive skills (reading and listening) and productive skills (writing and speaking).


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2017-09-30 — Updated on 2022-09-26
