One of the factors ensuring the country's competitiveness on the global level is to improve the quality of students’ training, the formation of positive motivation to their future profession. The latter, however, is impossible without a strong motivation for teaching and learning activities related to this profession. Of course, some students have a positive motivation for learning while being the first year students, they consciously choose their future profession and are ready to receive new knowledge both for their future professional and personal growth. Though according to data obtained from numerous interviews, most students enter the university without a willingness to acquire new knowledge, and as a result a low motivation to learn or the absence of motivation at all. The article deals with the study of the motives for educational activity of future English teachers, the current students of English philology department of Mukachevo State University. Among the motives for pedagogical activity students of the first year of study have chosen the following ones: to become a highly qualified specialist, to obtain deep knowledge in the field, to get parents’ approval, to receive a diploma, etc. In order to analyze student’s motivation a questionnaire has been elaborated; the questions are mostly formulated in an open form which helps to define the motivating points. The conclusion has been made that senior students have admitted that their motivation to study may be increased by professional competence of the lecturer, his/her usage of innovative techniques, students’ involvement into various extra-curriculumn activities and the possibility of self-education and self-improvement.
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Управлінська діяльність в загальноосвітньому навчальному закладі в умовах профільного навчання [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: