
  • О. Alieva Lviv National Ivan Franko University


semantic component, concept, terminological system, sense, semantic features system, connotation


Nowadays semantic studies are oriented on the investigation of deep processes, which are connected with language units development, particularly in complex and elaborated terminological systems such as art terminology. Terminological unit has been investigated in functional way (functioning of every separate sense of a word) and analytical way (revealing of semantic invariant and its structure). Semantic invariant of English art term has a complex conceptual paradigm. The invariant structure influences drastically term evolution and causes a great variety of connections between terminological and common lexis. Due to this fact, transterminological processes are possible. Conceptual paradigms determine the development of art terms semantic invariants and complex systems of inner linguistic links and interconnections between separate term clusters. During the research of art term functioning in different types of special terminological discourse it’s possible to observe how the semantic invariant and its structure are realized. The semantic invariant structure is of a determinative importance in the processes of word development and new senses emergence. Conceptual analysis of the semantic invariant phenomenon makes it possible to explain not only semantic structure complexity and sense interconnection character but also to predict further development of the term semantic structure. Art terminological system ranks as a quite specific terminology among the others. Research of the functional peculiarities of semantic invariant conceptual structure allows to explain the ways the terms are used in various terminological systems. All of this has made it possible to retrace semantic invariant functioning and its role in various types of special terminological discourse, the results of the present semantic analysis can be applied for investigation different cases of semantic derivation.


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