
  • A. Liashyna Uzhhorod National University


word-building, representative suffixes, derivatives, English texts, international documents


The article deals with the role of representative suffixes in the process of translation. The functional peculiarities of the representative suffixes in the system of suffixation in Modern English have been studied. The topicality of the article is determined by the functional role played by the word-formation in the development and enrichment of the English-language lexicon, and the need for comprehensive study of the contemporary English word-formation. The article presents the results of the study of the peculiarities of the representative suffixes functioning in the texts of international documents. The material of the study was 4105 derivatives collected by continuous sampling of 500 thousand words of international documents. We proceed from the hypothesis that the specificity of the selection of suffix means and the peculiarities of their combinability with the stems of various parts of speech and structural types are determined by a specific type of the text. According to the results of the analysis we have found out that neither morphological nor structural type of the stems influences the meaning of the suffix. The combinability of the suffixes with the stems of different parts of speech shows their tendency to combine with the stems of certain morphemic and/or derivational structure. The quantity and quality of all structural models depend on the context. The data obtained testify to the ability of a number of suffixes to mark the language of the texts of different styles. Having analyzed semantic characteristics of the representative suffixes functioning in the English scientific literature, we may conclude that they play a significant role in translation skills training as well as in the process of translation facilitating the work of the translator.


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