
  • O. Myhalets Uzhhorod National University


conflict, conflictology, domestic and foreign scientific literature, functions and approaches to the study of conflict


The present paper deals with the overview of the notion of «conflict» in home and foreign scientific literature from different angles. Diverse approaches, interpretations, types, functions, ways of conflict solutions etc. have been characterized. Having analyzed theoretical and practical scientific works devoted to the conflict study, we have made the conclusion that in most cases the word «conflict» has a negative meaning: a normal, harmonious state is disturbed, something is wrong and things are not as they should be. Therefore, conflict is something that has to be avoided, resolved or, even better, has to be managed. However, the paper considers conflict positively. It follows that conflict theory occupies a significant place nowadays which has led to the appearance of an interdisciplinary science called conflictology. Today, the problem of conflict study has become up-to-date and used at the theoretical and empirical levels. Its causes and the ways of regulation were in the focus of attention since the ancient times in philosophy, later – in sociology and psychology until present. The very word is «conflict» applied to a wide range of phenomena as well as different scientific directions.


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