
  • T. Nikolaieva Kyiv national University of culture and arts


verb, phrasal verb, classification, species, categories


The research paper deals with the problem issues of the use of phrasal verbs in English, provides different approaches to the interpretation of the essence of the phrasal verb and the structure of phrasal verbs. The division of phrasal verbs into non-transitive and non-separable verbs is substantiated. The research paper emphasizes the need for knowledge of English phrasal verbs, which reduces the problem in the understanding of a foreign language. Structural, lexical and semantic features of phrasal verbs of the modern English language are analyzed. It is emphasized on such features of phrasal verbs as idiomatic meanings, which do not derive from the meanings of the elements of such lexical formations, thus leading to the idiomatic nature of the phrasal verbs, and sometimes they are completely different from the meanings of the constituent elements. The research paper gives examples of the development and analysis of the meanings of specific phrasal verbs and analyzes the peculiarities of the meanings of the second element, which influences on the meaning of the verb. Different approaches to the nature and use of phrasal verbs based on structural, syntactic, morphological and syntactic analysis of such lexical units are analyzed. Such subgroups of phrasal verbs as the preposition, directly phrasal verbs and phrasal-prepositional verbs are singled out. It is emphasized on the active use of phrasal verbs in business speech, mass media, jurisprudence, economics and fiction. The total number of phrasal verbs in English is given. The main indicators of phrasal verbs such as semantic unity, a phrase and an idiomatic expression are considered. The author emphasizes that the same verbs can be non-transitive in some meanings, while in others they are transitive. The classification of English transitive phrasal verbs is provided. The author notes that the phrasal verb is a purely English linguistic phenomenon, and therefore it is difficult to study and understand for foreign speakers. It is concluded that the main criterion for distinguishing phrasal verbs may be the degree of semantic unity of components, the divisibility or indivisibility of a phrasal verb, the presence or absence of a complement.


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