thematic group, lexico-semantic group, formalized analysis, lexical semantics, qualitative and quantitative characteristics, common and distinctive featuresAbstract
The present article deals with the comparative study of the lexico-semantic peculiarities of the lexis denoting human emotional sphere as a component of the lexico-semantic group «evil» in Modern Ukrainian, English and French, carried out with the help of the formalized lexical semantics’ analysis. Common and distinctive qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the investigated thematic groups in three distantly-related languages have been revealed. While comparing the thematic groups in Ukrainian, English and French, differences in quantitative characteristics prevail over qualitative ones. The investigated thematic groups differ in the usage of their elements and the place of the latter in the language systems. The comparative study has shown that forms and means of verbalizing emotions partly coincide in the language world pictures of the Ukrainians, the English and the French. The lexis under research is influenced by both purely linguistic and extralinguistic factors. The changes in the meanings of the nouns under study can be explained by the language’s dynamics, the tendency to constant development of its structural organization and content, adapting to new requirements, needs and social conditions of the society members.
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