
  • L. Rohach Uzhhorod National University


terminological system, a term of geography, common language meaning, terminological meaning, seme, componental analysis, methodology of formalized analysis of semantics, explanatory and terminological dictionary


The present paper deals with the analysis of the English terms of geography as units of terminological system and common language elements. The importance of the research is predetermined by the need of investigating English terminology of geography at the present stage of its functioning in semantic aspect. A very relevant subject of distinguishing the meanings of lexical units in common language and terminological systems is in the focus of our attention in the present research. The scientific novelty of the investigation is predetermined by the fact that among all the variety of problems which modern terminologists are engaged in, one of the least developed is the problem of the formalized analysis of semantics of English terms of geography giving an opportunity to study the correlation between terms and different layers of common and professional vocabulary. The aim of our research is to study semantic characteristics of the English terms of geography and to reveal the peculiarities of semantic space of the English terminology of geography. The object of the research is 100 English terms of geography with the explanation of their special and common meanings, 120 semes that were singled out from the meanings of the lexical units. Analysis of the dictionary definitions of the explanatory and terminological dictionaries allowed to determine the features of the lexicographic description of the English terms of geography in these types of dictionaries. The study showed that the semantics of English polysemantic lexical units functioning in the field of geography combines the terminological meaning with the semantics of common words. Terminological semantics intersects with the commonly used one mainly due to specific semantic features (seme). The described fragment of the language system is an ordered space of semantic features that enter into the terminology of other sciences and spheres of human activity. In our investigation, we present the characteristics of these meanings by means of describing a matrix, constructed according to the principle of rank arrangement of the components of meanings.


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