matrix, axionomen, dictionary entry, semantic components, generalized seme, semantic indicationAbstract
The purpose of the article is to investigate semantic components in the structure of the Ukrainian and English axionomens. Special attention is paid to terminological defining functional and structural types of generalized semes. The usage of multifunctional and single-functional generalized semes which actualize specifics of axionomens lexical semantics has been justified. According to the structure one-component and multi-component generalized semes are distinguished. One-component generalized semes are subdivided into groups of independent substantives and combinations of prepositions with nouns. From the viewpoint of combinatorial capability multi-component generalized semes fall into groups of enumerated substantives having cause-and-effect relationships, word-combinations with asyndetic-prepositional attributiveness, word-combinations with asyndetic-postpositional attributiveness, word-combinations linking both asyndetic prepositional and postpositional attributiveness, word-combinations with syndetic attributiveness.
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