
  • D. Stanko Uzhhorod National University
  • N. Chendei Uzhhorod National University


concept, contempt, emotion, political discourse, language picture of the world


The article deals with the problem of the concept contempt reconstruction as a component of language picture of the world. On the material of modern English political discourse the main cognitive characteristics of the concept have been investigated, the peculiarities of its verbal representation have been analyzed. In this paper the concept contempt is regarded as emotional, that is a mental and affective formation which is characterized by imagery and value, has a conceptual content and is verbalized in a political discourse by language means. The analysis of the concept contempt in English political texts has been carried out on the three levels of lexical units. The connotative and denotative meanings of emotive lexemes build up the notional field of the concept contempt. The linguistic study of emotional concepts presupposes the analysis of their nominations, descriptions and verbal expressions. Lexical units of the first level do not contain any additional connotations or intensification of the basic emotion. Lexical units of the second level denote an additional connotative meaning or intensify the basic emotion. Lexemes with amplifying semantic components prevail in political discourse. Lexical units of the third level beyond the basic emotion contain two or more additional connotations that intensify the emotion. The analysis of the concept contempt has been done revealing its nominative linguistic expressions, conveying the meaningful emotional content.


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