
  • M. Fedyshyn Uzhhorod National University


communicative process, phenomenon, theological discourse, category, system


The present research paper is directed to study the main aspects that help to understand the notion of discourse and to show its role in modern linguistic society. Thepurpose of our research is to investigate the communicative role of discourse, in general, and theological discourse, in particular, on the platform of modern linguistics. In order to achieve our goal, we set such objectives as to highlight the linguists’ attitude towards the understanding of discourse and to single out modern versions that aid to interpret the notion of discourse. Moreover, the taxonomy of discursive categories developed by N.K. Kravchenko has been selected to analyze a theological process. The analysis of the discourse has been performedin view of the fact that it can function not depending on the oral or written “carriers” of information. In addition, discourse can also be interwoven with them and be an integral part of the communicative message. The results show that the theological process is a specific discursive route which leads us to acquire the Divine truth. Theologians, in their turn, receive and communicate words’ revelation to the communicative fellowship. Summarizing the results of our analysis, it is worth noting that the taxonomy which we applied to examine theological discourse, is not the whole palette used for revelation of the properties and process of theological communication.God-centered approach, synergism, the notion of a religious personality and other categories of theological discourse will be advocated on in our further research.


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