
  • Yu. Boyko Khmelnitskiy National University
  • O. Sierhieieva Khmelnitskiy National University


translation, translation studies, linguistics, gender, factor


The article deals with the gender factor in linguistics has been considered in the translation, which must necessarily be taken into account during the process of translation. This is a complex discursive, sociocultural, ethno-national and psycholinguistic phenomenon. The gender picture of the world has specific differences in different languages and cultures. The authors talk about the main areas of gender studies which are being conducted in modern linguistics can be summarized into two key aspects: the image of "male" and "female" in the language and the revealing of differences in the speech of men and women. The features of the Ukrainian translation of the English-language novel have been determined taking into account the positions of modern gender translation studies. The translator as a subject of secondary communication must be aware of the gender identity of the author. The methods of transmission of some linguistic features of A. Haley's work "Airport" have been analyzed by means of the Ukrainian language. It has been established that women most often emotionally colour their statements and make them more detailed. Men's translations show a restrained style of speech. The authors analyze that the male translation is closer to the original.


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