
  • O. Kuschnirtschuk Uzhhorod National University


foreign language, literary learning, reading, literary texts


The aim of a scientific article is to determine the role and significance of reading and using literary texts in the process of learning a foreign language. In the article is considered the term and method “literary learning” as one of the most important ways of foreign language mastering. Literary learning promotes to the understanding of the importance of learning a foreign language, motivates to its learning, acts a stimulating method, and, accordingly, exacerbates the interest to foreign language lessons. Simultaneously, literary learning is one of the most accessible sources of language learning and promotes the mastering of all aspects of foreign language and types of speech activity. An important role belongs to the selection of literary authentic texts that have rich cultural information and promote both the expansion of competencies and acquisition of a foreign language at the level of native speakers. Literary texts are important source for formation of phonetic, grammatical, lexical, stylistic and orthographic abilities and skills for training of oral speech and the development of creative thinking. Literary learning promotes the effectiveness of foreign language mastering. Literary authentic texts take a special place to the formation of cultural and linguistical knowledge.


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