guilds, guild documents, linguistic analysis, German language, Early New High German language, Middle High German language, manuscriptAbstract
The aim of this thesis is to review the use of the German language in guild documents from the period from the 15th century to the 19th century in Eastern Slovakia´s city of Košice. The introductory section is dedicated to establishment of guilds in Germany and Slovakia, focusing on penetration of the German type of guilds into the territory of Slovakia. The next part deals with reviewing a national situation in guilds in Košice on the basis of data obtained from the catalogue of guild documents in Košice municipal archive, in which case it was found out that 47.3% of the retained guild documents had been written in German, 28.1% in Hungarian, 22.8% in Latin, and only 1.8% of them had been written in the Czech, Slovak, or Polish language. To make a picture of the language used in that period a linguistic analysis of phonetics and morphology of three oldest German documents of the guild of fustian cutters in Košice was carried out. All of the manuscripts come from the 15th century and their language reached the status of the Early New High German language, but on the other hand, remains of the Middle High German signs are still noticeable.
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