
  • Myroslava Ladtschenko


onomatopoetics, word stock, a mode of word formation, sounds, extralinguistic sounding


A specific way of vocabulary enrichment is a formation of sound imitating words and relating phenomena. Sound imitation or onomatopoeia is a sound or an imitation of real phenomena. A basis of onomatopoeia in any language is an extralinguistic sounding. Onomatopes and their derivatives are based on a human imitation of sounds, produced by animate nature and inanimate objects, while perceiving the reality. Onomatopes are independent words that serve the basis of words formation that belong to different parts of speech. Onomatopoeic verbs are proved to be their nearest derivatives. The present article deals with the study of onomatopoeic verbs and nouns, formed by means of imitating animals and birds sounds. The common feature of these words is the fact that they are produced by imitation. The perspectives of this research seem to be tightly connected with the significance of onomatopoeia in the study of German word-formation.


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2019-08-05 — Updated on 2022-09-26
