
  • Antonina Markovska
  • Olga Salamatina


lexical means, English and German-language press, phraseologisms, newspaper journalistic style, stylistic characteristics


This article is devoted to the study of the basic stylistic characteristics of various texts in the foreign press, including the texts of the interview genre, as well as various lexical means of representation the expressiveness of such texts, taking into account phraseologisms and their innovations. The theoretical principles of study of journalistic texts in linguistics are highlighted and their main stylistic characteristics are displayed. It is determined that press phraseologisms play the great expression-emotional role in the foreign journalistic texts. It is possible to define that stylistic description of phraseological units of the press is based on their expressive charge and expressive properties. It is found out that the selection of stylistic means in modern journalistic texts is also motivated by the features: standard and expression. The requirement to influence the mass reader creates such a specific feature of modern journalistic text as its expressive nature, and the requirement for the speed of information transmission and its socially importance creates such a feature as neutrality or standard. Standardization is manifested in the selection of stylistic means of different levels: lexical, morphological, syntactic, figurative, graphic, which are typical for the texts of this type. The expressiveness of the stylistic means makes it possible to convey the emotional, connotative, and evaluative aspect of the events and facts reflected in the press in order to increase the influence on the mass reader.


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