For authors
Dear colleagues!
We welcome the submission of research papers
to the professional research paper collection
No. 1 (27), 2025
The collection is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine (category B) in the specialities 035 “Philology”, 014 “Pedagogy” according to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 26.11.2020 № 1471 (Annex 3).
The collection is included in the international scientometric database Index Copernicus International (the Republic of Poland)
The editorial office provides every article with DOI (digital object identifier).
Founder: Uzhhorod National University
- Linguistics
- Literary studies
- Methods of teaching foreign languages
- Reviews, presentations, revisions
To publish an article in the professional research paper collection No. 1 (27), 2025, you should, before March 28, 2024:
- Fill in the form (link).
- Send an article, which meets the stated requirements, to
The editorial office carries out an external and internal anonymous reviews.
Prohibition to refer to the aggressor state’s scholarly papers
It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list russian-language contributions published in any country, incl. papers written in other languages but published in russia and belarus.
Academic integrity
The Editorial Board guarantees high-quality anonymous peer-review of articles and their check for plagiarism using by the Polish company
After peer review, the authors receive payment details.
It is obligatory to confirm the payment through e-mail (to send a photo or a scanned copy of slip to the above e-mail).
Every published article is provided with DOI.
The authors are responsible for the accuracy of facts, quotes and references.
The editorial office doesn’t accept articles which violate the requirements for execution.
- A manuscript is designed in the format *.doc, *.docx (MS Word): font – Times New Roman, size – 14, line spacing – 1.5. Margins: left, top, bottom – 2.5 cm, right – 2 cm. Paragraph indention – 1.25 сm.
- Languages: Ukrainian, English, German, French.
- Volume – not less than 12 pages.
- When using symbol fonts or non-alphanumeric character, please, add them in an individual file; pages are not numbered.
- According to the guidelines of the MES of Ukraine, publications of the professional collections have to include UDC, Ukrainian and English abstracts, keywords.
- UDC is indicated above the title in a separate line (top left hand corner without indentions and paragraphs).
- The next line includes information about the author:
- on the right (text is right-aligned, semi-bold italics) – author’s full name;
- one line below, in italics – a scientific degree, academic title (if any), post, complete form of a place of employment, ORCID
- one line below, in italics – a city, country
- information is typed without indentions and paragraphs
- the author determines the ORCID code (
- The article’s title is typed in semi-bold capitals without indentions and paragraphs. The title is placed in the centre and has to correspond with content and consists of a minimum of 12 words.
- Abstracts are conveyed in two languages (Ukrainian and English).
- They are placed after the article’s title, size – 14, line spacing – 1.5.
- Volume – 1800 characters each.
- Abstracts are provided in one paragraph without subsections.
- Every abstract includes: a brief presentation of the article, keywords and no
- Keywords (6–8 words) are in semi-bold and are not duplicated in the title; they also meet the content and are separated by commas.
* If an article is written in German or French, you should also provide a title, an abstract and keywords in a relevant language.
The article should involve the following structural parts (semi-bold): 1) Introduction which contains the problem statement in general and its relation to important scientific or practical tasks, analysis of recent researches and publications, which have initiated the solution of the problem and the author relies on, specification of previously unresolved parts of the general problems a particular article deals with; formulation of the article’s goals (tasks statement); 2) Methodology/Methods; 3) Results and Discussion (including full substantiation of research findings); 4) Conclusions and directions for further research in this area.
Citations in the text are marked in square brackets indicating a number of a source position in References: [8, p. 56-57]. Two and more sources are separated by semi-colon [4; 6]. Citations from articles, monographs etc. are designed using “double” quotes. Notes (at the foot of a page or towards the end of body text) are prohibited.
Illustrations and tables should be numbered within the article and accompanied by a centered name below them. Samples of illustrative materials are in italics.
At the end of the article, one line below, there are References (in alphabetical order) the author relies on.
When executing References, the author should follow the requirements of the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302:2015 “Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General principles and rules of composition”.
After peer review, the author receives payment details of publication fee.
The publication fee is 1300 UAH for 12 pages. If the article exceeds the indicated volume, you have to pay 50 UAH for each additional page.
References and abstracts are also part of the general volume which is paid.
Collection's electronic version will be publicly available on the official website in late May 2025.
If desired, an author can order a printed copy of the collection. The cost of a printed copy is UAH 800, which is paid in addition to the publication fee.
Collection's printed version, at the author's option, will be sent in June 2025.
UDC 811.111’37+81’367.623
Myroslava Fabian,
Doctor of Philology, Professor,
Professor of English Philology Department,
Uzhhorod National University
Uzhhorod, Ukraine
Linguocultural approach to the study of lexical semantics
Лінгвокультурний підхід до вивчення лексичної семантики
Abstract. Contemporary linguistics is characterized by the growing interest in the study of lexical semantics. In this respect of primary importance is the in-depth analysis of the system and structural organization of modern English vocabulary…
Key words: lexical semantics, language vocabulary, culture, system and structure, semantic space, dictionary, common and distinctive features.
Анотація. Сучасне мовознавство характеризується посиленим інтересом до досліджень лексичної семантики. В цьому контексті особливої ваги набуває всебічний аналіз системно-структурної організації вокабуляра сучасної англійської мови…
Ключові слова: лексична семантика, вокабуляр мови, культура, система і структура, семантичний простір, словник, спільні й відмінні риси.
Results and Discussion. In the globalization period, the most perceptible changes in the life of a person, his/her everyday and social activities etc. take place in the language’s vocabulary, i.e. lexis [1, с. 311].
- Селіванова О. С. Основи теорії мовної комунікації. Черкаси: Видавництво Чабаненко Ю. А., 2011. 350 с.
- …
Uzhhorod National University
Faculty of Foreign Philology
Address of the editorial office: 14 Universitetska St.,
Uzhhorod, Ukraine
Contact number: +38 (097) 542 74 59
Don’t hesitate to consult Fabian Myroslava Petrivna, Doctor of Philology, Professor,
Professor at the Department of English Philology of Uzhhorod National University,
on philological issues and the content of scientific articles.
Tel.: +38 (066) 290 69 29