
  • Victoria Legan
  • Natalia Godovanets


discussion, method, foreign language, rules, purpose, teaching


In a given article a discussion as an active method of learning of foreign languages is considered. The phenomenon of discussion and stages of its organization are described. It is found out that the main task of a discussion in the course of teaching is stimulation of cognitive interest, involving various points of view in active discussion of problems in a foreign language. The main role in ensuring efficiency of a discussion is defined. Achieving the goal of which will occurs only on condition of observance by all its participants of certain rules. During planning a discussion it is necessary to take into account several important points: the purpose, time and also the clarity of the organization of a discussion. The discussion requires students not to give simple answers to questions, but on the contrary - to express their own opinions. The method of discussion can be used at the stage of assimilation of knowledge, in the course of consolidation and systematization. This method of teaching is aimed at the development of critical thinking and communicative abilities.


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