
  • Alla Lyashina


multicultural education, multicultural approach, intercultural competence, intercultural communication, sociocultural space, language multicultural education


The article deals with the multicultural approach to studying foreign languages as one of modern methods of teaching foreign languages. It has been found out that teaching a foreign language and foreign culture in terms of multiculturalism develops students’ ability to communicate, to co-exist with people of different ethnic groups which gives students an opportunity to comprehend the values of global civilization. The article examines the conditions and ways of forming intercultural competence of a student as an integral personality. Nowadays tolerance is of great importance for all people. In a democratic society respect, protection of human rights and freedoms play an important role. Thus, there is a need for multicultural education of youth, that means knowledge of national culture and tolerance of other cultures, mastering the system of communication skills. Special attention must be paid to youth’s understanding and interaction in terms of multiculturalism.


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