
  • Olga Gvozdyak
  • Tatiana Svyda-Susidenko


writing, German, exercises, vocabulary, work with text, creative writing


Modern methodology of foreign language teaching distinguishes four types of speech activities: speaking, reading, listening and writing. The first three types are defined by scholars as objects of learning. Writing is regarded as a means of language acquisition. That is why, in practice this type of activity is not given the proper attention in the process of teaching. Written speech can be expressed only through lexical-grammatical means as opposed to oral speech which can rely on both linguistic and extralinguistic factors. Our university experience of many years enables us to state that in order to form students’ writing competence it is necessary to improve their skills of written speech by doing different kinds of exercises. There are various kinds of them: vocabulary work (lexical-grammatical exercises), work with the text and creative writing. Teaching writing is based on the principle of the gradual increase in difficulties. The result of the survey of the first year students of the German department of UzhNu shows that the most difficult kind of written work is creative writing, which comprises a set of language competencies ranging from vocabulary, grammar to the ability to set forth your ideas. Written speech allows us to preserve language and practical knowledge, serves as a reliable tool of critical thinking, and stimulates speaking, listening and reading in a foreign language.


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