
  • Olha Hvozdiak Uzhhorod National University
  • Tetiana Svyda-Susidenko Uzhhorod National University



German language discourse, concept, phraseological unit, gender, “a single man/woman, linguistic and cultural aspect


The linguocultural worldview is clearly manifested in gender-marked phraseologisms. Phraseology is a most effective means for representing the national specificity of a language. The article is devoted to the problem of actualization of the gender component of phraseological units semantics in modern German. The aimof the research is to study phraseological units with the concept “a single man/woman”. The given work characterizes conceptual markers actualized in phraseological units of the German language, taking into consideration the influence of cultural, historical and biological factors on theconcept content. Gender stereotypes that have an impact on the formation of the concept “a single man/woman” in German was found out by means of the survey. On the basis of the phraseological fund the author has traced representation of the sphere “way of life”, namely “a single man/woman” from the point of view of the gender linguistics. The reinterpretation of the forms of life in German phraseological field has been emphasized in the article. As a result of the investigation it was discovered that verbalization of the stereotyped national ideas about the way of life of single people is not gender-neutral. The formation of gender stereotypes is influenced by various factors. The main of them include social and economic conditions, psychobiological characteristics of a person, and value orientations.The analysis of the language material certifies that traditional patriarchal views on the woman’ place in society, the tradition to attribute lots of negative feminine qualities to women and unwillingness of them to live according to old traditions in many cases causes the choice of a way of life. Based on the culturally meaningful content and connotations of German phraseological units, an attempt has been made to explain universal and specific features of the concept “a single man/woman”.


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