translation strategy, rendering of genre peculiarities, cognetheme, conceptual group, fine literature translation, genre registerAbstract
The article deals with lexical peculiarities of horror literature genre looking through modern translation studies. The function of lexical code has been determined and the notion of genre register has been pointed out. Three major concepts that are objectivized in horror literature are DEATH, HORROR and DISGUST. Concept DEATH is realized through the following cognethemes: animals that predict death and dead body; concept HORROR is realized through the cognethemes: burial and physical weakness; concept DISGUST is realized through the cognethemes: crippled and hurt human body and its organs and blood. The aim of the present paper is to emphasize dominant translation strategies in rendering language representation of the above-mentioned concepts. Omission or avoidance of the important genre specificities leads not to an adequate and equivalent translation. Stylistic intensification is also not always a good choice for a translator as it shows the hyperbolized emotions that are considered to be unacceptable for producing qualified target text. The perseverance of emotional coloring in horror literature is crucial as it forms the genre unity and its uniqueness. Horror literature appeals to emotional context evoking numerous emotions in a reader. Emotional factor of the given genre is dictated by its esthetic function that is focused on reader’s entertainment. Being categorized, emotions on the subconscious level form an emotional sphere the components of which are emotional concepts. The lingual uniqueness of a concept is realized through cognethemes. The presence of cognethemes gives an opportunity to study a concept as an integral formation.
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