
  • Myroslava Ladtschenko Uzhhorod National University




vocabulary, derivatives, complex words, hybrid formations, genetic analyses, colloquial speech, emotional meaning


The formation of derivatives with the help of semi-affixes is one of the productive ways of German word-formation. Word-formation with semi-affixes is one of the most controversial issues in German linguistics. Nouns and adjectives are formed with the help of semi-affixes. Semi-affixes present a special type of affixes formed from certain words that have lost their independent lexical meaning. They are also referred to as "affixoids", a synonymous term. Accordingly, semi-prefixes or prefixoids and semi-suffixes or suffixoids are further distinguished. Therefore, derivatives with semi-affixes are mainly regarded as derived words, not complex. However, some linguists refer to these formations as complex words. Semi-prefixes are formed from independent words that may become prefixes. By joining noun or adjective bases, they partially lose their semantics, while acquiring a generalizing meaning. Most of the studied adjectives are creative and expressive, with transferred meanings. A number of lexical units have an emotionally reinforcing meaning, so their use is marked by certain features. In most cases, the positive meanings of adjectives are amplified. There are cases when semi-prefixes have negative semantics, which occurs mainly in colloquial language. Most adjectives are used only in colloquial language. Adjectives of literary German, in addition to the main meaning, in spoken German acquire transferred meanings.


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