
  • Halyna Onyshchak Uzhhorod National University
  • Diana Smuzhanytsia Uzhhorod National University



figurative meaning, formalized analysis, lexical semantics, lexical unit, qualitative and quantitative characteristics, distantly related languages


The present article deals with the comparative study of the nouns’ denoting evil figurative meanings in modern French and Ukrainian. The research has been carried out with the help of the formalized lexical semantics’ analysis. Common and distinctive qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the lexical units in question in two distantly related languages have been revealed. The lexical units under research occupy an important place within the lexical system of the French and Ukrainian languages. They reflect common human notions and at the same time reveal nationally specific value images of the French and Ukrainians on the world and their existence in it. The semantic analysis of the words’ denoting evil figurative meanings in modern French and Ukrainian has shown that dictionary meanings contain much inexplicit information, which is directly connected with a person and his/her environment, experience and specific character of his/her cognitive activity. While comparing the groups of words under research in French and Ukrainian, differences in quantitative characteristics prevail over qualitative ones. The comparative study has shown that forms and means of verbalizing evil by means of figurative meanings partly coincide in the language world pictures of the French and Ukrainians. Thus, the groups concerned with psychological, moral and social characteristics of evil realization have been singled out in both languages. The main cultural differences have been observed in the way the French and Ukrainians treat personal human characteristics and the circumstances of evil influence and realization. The differences can be explained by different ways of world cognition as well as the formation of language world picture. The lexis in question is influenced by both purely linguistic and extralinguistic factors. The changes in the meanings of the nouns under study can be explained by the dynamics of languages and the tendency to constant development of their structural organization.


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