
  • Oksana Prysiazhniuk Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University



regional dialects, phonetics, pronunciation norm, bilinguals, intercultural communication, orthoepic norm


The article is devoted to the study of oral dialect-colored variant of the British type of pronunciation in terms of its perception. The research aims to study the phonetic characteristics that distinguish the accents of the northern region of England from the pronunciation norm, as well as to identify difficulties of perception caused by the linguistic inconsistency of the dialects from the literary norm. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the fact that to achieve adequate mutual understanding due to the variability of language forms in different dialects of the national language there is a need to solve some problems of linguistic factors of literary norms and regional dialects in language communication. The aim of the article is to identify and analyze the characteristics of the northern dialects of modern England, as well as to determine the depth of perception of oral discourse by the speakers of orthoepic norms and Ukrainian bilinguals in the context of audio recordings and written transcripts of the sound language. The phonetic research includes 6 monologues – stories with a sound duration of about 9 minutes. The essence of the study was to study the depth of perception of the northern dialect by Ukrainian-speaking bilinguals. As a result of phonetic analysis of the English oral language, the hypothesis confirmed that not only understanding of passages was more difficult than defining and characterizing the emotions expressed in the text, but also revealed specific difficulties in the perception of dialect-colored language by Ukrainian bilinguals. Phonetic differences of northern dialects to a greater extent complicate the adequate perception of the dialect-colored language by Ukrainian-speaking bilinguals, as well as English native speakers. It was determined that the differences of vowel systems in qualitative and quantitative relations, as well as the modification of consonant sounds in coherent speech prevent adequate understanding of meaning by recipients. Thus, in a study conducted on the material of sounding texts, as a result of the second type of auditory analysis, it was found that prosody, as a part of the phonetic aspect of language directly and most actively affects the communication. Adequate decoding of information embedded in the timbre characteristics of the utterance allows to optimize the process of communication between the speakers. In addition, it was determined that the language competence of the recipients does not affect their ability to interpret a regionally labeled text, namely to perceive the emotional side of oral discourse and understand the content of the text.


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