matrix, axionomen, morality, generalized seme, multifunctional semes, single-functional semes, semes of combined functionalityAbstract
The purpose of the article is to study mental and ethical aspect of the Ukrainian and English axionomens’ semantization. The terms “generalized semе” (GS) and “semе of combined functionality” were introduced into scientific circulation. Special attention to the indications of mental and ethical characteristics in lexicographical axionomens explanations and forms of their systematization due to definite generalized semes has been paid. The usage of multifunctional semes, single-functional semes and generalized semes of combined functionality which actualize specifics of axionomens’ lexical semantics has been justified. The ability of generalized semes of combined functionality to act as components of lexical meanings of words denoting values with the high, middle degree of polysemy and monosemantic ones is determined. Three types of generalized semes are defined as factors of nuancing moral consciousness and moral practice of a human being. The dialectical nature of the interaction of moral consciousness and moral practice in the semantic space of the studied languages is revealed. Interpretation of moral consciousness and moral practice by the linguistic means of two languages required grouping vocabulary and semantic structure within the appropriate matrices. In the Ukrainian matrix, moral consciousness have been presented with multifunctional GSs “позитивна риса, якість”, “почуття прихильності, доброзичливості”, “втілення чесності, порядності”, “те(ті), що(чим)…”, “гідність”, “моральні принципи, переконання”, “моральний ідеал, справедливість”, “невинність, цнотливість”, “добре ім’я”, “репутація, авторитет”, “поважність” and single-functional semes “почуття жалю”, “сумління”, “теплі, ніжні почуття”, “почуття подяки”. In the English matrix, moral consciousness have been described with multifunctional GSs “virginity; celibacy”, “righteousness”, “reputation, standing”, “freedom (from)” and a single-functional seme“pudency”. The Ukrainian multifunctional GSs “ставлення”, “стосунки, відносини”, “зовнішній вияв поваги”, “добрі вчинки, наслідки, результати”, “норми поведінки”, “на честь”, “увага”, “глибока приязнь”, “чулість”, “вияв жалості”, “людинолюбство”, “турбота”, “безкорисливе піклування, нагляд” and single-functional semes “помилування”, “привітність”, “ласка”, “любов до Батьківщини, народу”, “відданість”, “готовність віддячити”, “гостинне приймання”, “героїчні подвиги” have been used to reveal the essence of moral practice. Moral practice has been interpreted with the English multifunctional GSs “adherence, allegiance”, “favour”, “kindness”, “regard, esteem”, “fairness, frankness”, “obligation”, “correctness”, “propriety, decorum”, “leniency”, “care”, “nobility; magnanimity”, “aid”, “interest(s), concern”, “ability, capacity”, “conduct”, “way (of), manner (of), method”, “veracity”, “simplicity”, “restraint”, “attitude(s)” and a single-functional seme “seriousness”. On the material of the Ukrainian language two generalized semes of combined functionality “властивість/якість за значенням”, “абстрактний іменник до…” have been singled out. Four English generalized semes of combined functionality “quality of”, “act (of), action(s)”, “feeling (of)”, “agreement, conformity” have been established in the semantic structure of axionomes.
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