concept, the structure of the concept, etymological analysis, inner form, etymon, old ageAbstract
Recent years have been characterized by the rise of researchers’ attention to the problems of the elderly and the issues of ageing. The author of the present paper explores the complex and changing conceptualisation of old age and its discourses. The article focuses on the pre-conceptual basis of the concept OLD AGE in the English worldview. Firstly, the survey of the complex research methodology is presented that provides the basis for the research into the nature and structure of the concept as a multifaceted unit. This paper aims at describing the method of etymological analysis and its role in disclosing the primary content of the key lexeme and its synonyms, defining the etymological layer of the concept. The study of the historical development of verbalized concepts encourages not only the analysis of human language, but also the way it promotes cognition and helps understand the development of the concept’s semantic features. It is emphasized that etymological lexicographical analysis of lingual means used to verbalize the concept can disclose the etymon and the inner form of the key lexeme. The notion of the inner form discloses images and ideas taken as the basis of the naming process, which is believed to be closely related to the notion of the etymon. The earliest form (etymon) and historical changes in the semantic structure of the corresponding lexemes constitute preconceptual features of the OLD AGE concept. Furthermore, the direction in the concept development is considered to be determined by the inner form of the concept’s name which can help trace its etymology. According to etymological dictionaries, the lexeme old age dates back to the 14th century with the meaning “period of life of advanced years”. Research results show that the etymon of this lexeme is represented by the meaning “advanced years”, based on the temporal feature when old age is regarded as final of the life stages, thus contributing to its negative stereotypical evaluation. This might define the inner form of the lexeme old age. The findings of the analysis provide implications for further studies of the concept OLD AGE in different types of discourse.
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