
  • Olena Horenko Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute named after Ferenc Rakoczi II




proper name, apocrypha, clerical literature, hierarchical interpretation, Gnostic, ontological, epistemological, concept


The article broaches the specific character of synthesis of mythological and religious types of thinking on early stage of forming discourse potential of Proper name in apocrypha and clerical literature. In early Cristian texts one can still feel the impact of pagan world perception. However, on this multifold basis there originates quite a new attitude to Proper names in a more systematic, hierarchical interpretation. Thus, different variants of psychologically grounded, rather organic substitution of a previous model of consciousness are being tested. Gradually the hierarchical approach to Proper names becomes a tradition. It’s only quite natural, that the name of God had the greatest potential of magic properties. Deep respect to the magic of Divine name in official clerical texts promoted the appearance of various interpretations. This habit of elative perception of Divine name is preserved in the next centuries. In Medieval clerical literary texts there existed quite a lot of references to such miracles, which, by the way, were not regarded as such, but were believed to be real facts. Special attention is paid here to well-known Ukrainian legends about the creation of the world in which the influence of gnostic and-Bogomil idea of Genesis is observed. In these patterns of spiritual folklore one can feel deep faith in invincibility of God, who is Master of the name, to create the world. The study of apocrypha helps us to come to a conclusion that the Proper name is not only a certain part, but the simplest, even basic structure of world outlook which has its ontological and epistemological components.


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