мовне ставлення, діалект, закарпатські школярі, стереотипиAbstract
The study presents the results of several social linguistics surveys in Transcarpathia hat were dealing with the matter of language identity in one way or the other in the past 10 years. Based on these it can be proven that the attitude towards language dialects is closely connected to successful native language education: without a real language attitude education cannot be successful; however, an objective attitude can also only be established with appropriate, responsible, scientifically founded native language education. Surveys conducted among students and their teachers prove that the teaching schedule conveying the new mother language teaching attitude, the information-centered scientific lectures given during teachers’ further education courses already produced results: both groups distance themselves from openly negative opinions concerning different language variants and their users. The present research also proves what is already supported by surveys formerly quoted: the role of the teacher, their personal opinion concerning languages, phenomena of language use shape the language identity of their students. It also became clear that it is not only their teachers’ positive or negative critics, remarks that affect the students’ attitude. In this age their language use (as well as their behavior, dress code or tastes) is shaped, affected largely by the opinion of their environment, friends, or the different written or electronic media. Based on the numbers and the written and told stories and my personal experience and observations Transcarpathian Hungarian teachers direct their students’ language attitude in the right direction, but even they themselves cannot get rid of their habits that were created and fixed by long years, that reflect the effect of stereotypes. They can be influenced by the expectation of the environment, according to which a teacher must speak “in a gentlemanly way”. This statement is supported by the fact that although their answers concerning the dialect use of others show a positive or at least allowing attitude, they distance themselves from these language variants. The desired goal, creating an appropriate level of communication competence, however, can only be reached if these obstacles disappear, or at least weaken. It can be stated that the present direction is appropriate, and that the teachers try to follow it.
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