
  • Lesia Kushmar Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • Liubov Kolot Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • Olha Dubinina Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics



soft skills, Business Partner, English, future skills, professional, foreign language for professional purposes


The article deals with the analysis of the training complex Business Partner (Pearson) to be a clear example of the soft skills formation in future successful professionals, because recent studies of the labour market reflect the tendency of employers to become more interested in such skills. Therefore, considering the soft skills in the process of studding foreign language for professional purposes is extremely important, which determines the relevance of this article. A systematic description of contextual analysis techniques was used to describe illustrative and theoretical material. The selection method of examples is a way to identify and organize the tasks that contribute to the successful formation of soft skills. Soft skills are skills, abilities and characteristics that allow you to be successful in professional activity: leadership skills and ability to work in a team, the ability to teach and negotiate, the ability to set and achieve goals, to manage time, presentation skills, effective communication skills, stress resistance, creativity and analytical skills. The training complex Business Partner provides the opportunity to ensure a coherent and practical business speech; an innovative approach to developing communicative skills; development of competencies and practical skills; development critical thinking, strategic thinking, ability to work collectively. Business Partner is the base for complex problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, people management, coordinating with others, emotional intelligence, judgment and decision making, service orientation, negotiation, cognitive flexibility. These skills have been identified at the World Economic Forum in Davos as essential today. Do all tasks of MyEnglishLab platform is also an effective and appropriate way to perform soft skills, which allows to increase the individualization of learning activities, to optimize the acquisition of language structures and grammatical rules, as well as to overcome the formulation of skills. The training complex Business Partner provides a blended learning model and incorporates the latest modern topics of economic development that allows to develop soft skills successfully. Effective formation of soft skills is the base in the professional personal activity allowing the future specialist to make a breakthrough in new branches of professional activity. The prospect of further research involves engaging students in questionnaires to identify the depth of soft skills formation based on the training complex Business Partner.


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