
  • Olena Kuschnirtschuk Uzhhorod National University




foreign language classes, work with text, language competencies


The purpose of this scientific article is to highlight the importance of using the text and working with it as a central component of the educational context of a foreign language, and particularly the importance of working with the text for the formation of language competencies. Literary text is considered as a methodological and didactic tool for learning a foreign language. The importance and necessity of using literary texts in the process of learning a foreign language is explained by a few factors. Literary text is, firstly, a source of linguistic and cultural information about the people whose language is being studied (history, culture, social order, economic and political characteristics, and secondly, a source of knowledge about functioning of the language system and its manifestations during the creation of a literary work.The necessity to use a literary text in foreign language classes is also explained by the fact that working with the text contributes to the formation of worldview, own opinion, helps to develop statements about various situations in a foreign language. Working with the text forms, develops and improves all language competencies, if the text is selected methodically correctly. The main criteria for selecting a text for a foreign language lesson are compliance with the level of knowledge and compliance with the learning objective at a particular stage. Each literary text is in fact an inexhaustible source of information, and it is the teacher whose main responsibility is to teach a student how to extract, analyze and be able to use this information for discussion. Work on any literary text must be thoroughly thought through and logically planned. At the initial stage of learning a foreign language, one of the best literary genres is a fairy tale, which involves imagery, abstraction and teaching. It is particularly interesting to elaborate on a fairy tale, the content of which carries information about the national-linguistic picture of the world. Based on the selected fairy tale, just as on any other literary text, a number of practical tasks are offered, which are recommended to be performed in foreign language classes before, during and after getting acquainted with the content of the text. This type of activity allows you to reveal the creative potential of students, encouraging them to think creatively and comprehend the hidden content. Therefore, the reading aspect, through which we learn both the language and culture of another people, should be given special attention in the educational process.


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