teaching technology, role play, interpreter, intercultural communication, translation competencies, extra-linguistic factorsAbstract
The article deals with the problem of choosing proper methods in the process of teaching translation technics. The relevance of the article is due to the need for new approaches to teaching interpretation. A characteristic feature of modern social development is globalization. Cultural globalization contributes to the expansion of intercultural communication. Intercultural cooperation should promote mutual understanding between peoples by creating conditions for trust, dialogue and peace. Globalization of knowledge is impossible without translation. It is translation that makes it possible to transfer knowledge from one culture to another. The role of the translator in this process is extremely important. The article presents the role play method as a means of enhancing professional competencies of future specialists in interpreting. The article considers the use of the role play method as an integral part of modern learning technologies, which ensures the mastery of language culture, as a means of enhancing the professional competencies of future professionals in the field of translation. The material of the research was the method of role play in the process of training translators. The research methodology consists in the complex application of different methods: theoretical, empirical, statistical and modelling methods. In our opinion, this method, which allows students to be in a situation of intercultural interaction, as close as possible to reality, is one of the most effective of the interpretation teaching methods. Learning role situations create motivation for the implementation of professional competencies of an interpreter. Our study showed the high effectiveness of the method of role play in teaching interpretation. We came to the conclusion that role play increases students' motivation, develops thinking, memory and imagination, allows to comprehend the intricacies of communication, facilitetes students to come into the scope of translator.
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