Сulture of foreign language professional communication of future engineers
culture of foreign language professional communication, foreign language training, intercultural communication, professional communication, foreign language professional communication, future engineersAbstract
The formation of the culture of foreign language professional communication among future engineers determines the mastery of professional and cultural aspects of communication, which also includes communicative attitudes, knowledge of methods, mechanisms, forms and methods of communication and the ability to apply knowledge in a given situation, taking into account the specifics of intercultural communication. The content of professional communication of engineering specialists is reduced, firstly, to the formation of professional communication skills and abilities, written language literacy, which is important in business correspondence, secondly, to the exchange of information between a teacher and a student in the educational process, thirdly, to the content of the information itself, which is the main factor in the acquisition and formation of students’ knowledge and skills. In addition, in professional communication, the amount of proper information is quite important: relevant, reliable, unlimited, available, which is necessary in the aggregate. It is useful information of a cultural and ethical nature that is able to be mastered and remembered by students as much as possible and in the future to be fully applied in educational and professional activities. The effectiveness of foreign language training is achieved by combining conventional foreign language learning technologies with the latest intensive didactic technologies, which include illustrative, imitative, practical and situational learning methods, methods of active and problem-based learning of foreign languages, stimulation and motivation for educational and cognitive activities due to the content saturation of professional methods significant and personally valuable information.
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