Goods marking: from interdisciplinary to linguistic research




compositional structure, goods marking, text, structuring, packaging, packvertising


The current state of the development of linguistics is characterized by the formation of a new paradigm – cognitive-discursive, based on the understanding of language as a cognitive formation closely related to the situation and conditions in which it develops. This paradigm focuses on studying a person’s existence in society through the analysis of his communicative activity. The expansion of the spheres of human activity has caused the emergence of new channels, forms, and means of communication, which, in turn, has opened new horizons for linguistic research. The diversification of modern communication has become an impetus for the study of discourse, as a result of which there was a need for a detailed classification of discourse types and a description of individual discourses corresponding to spheres of human activity, in each of which communication acquires specific features. Linguistic research in recent years is characterized by a growing interest in the study of complex and unusual nominative and cognitive mechanisms in advertising texts. Considerable attention is paid to the mechanisms of combining verbal and non-verbal elements in creolized advertising texts and the influence of advertising on human behavior and condition. Advertising reaches the addressee in various ways, in particular through packaging. The texts placed on the packaging, and the packaging itself, were not the object of research in linguistics. It has been studied for a long time by marketing specialists and manufacturers of goods, who understand that packaging is an important element in the product information system. Thanks to informative and argumentative components, a combination of verbal and non-verbal elements, orientation to different social groups, the ability to convey coded meanings, influence the process of memorization and decision-making by the addressee, operate with the main current values and concepts of the relevant community or society as a whole, packaging can become the object of semiotic, psycholinguistic, ethnolinguistic, sociolinguistic, cognitive, communicative and linguistic research. The article substantiates the possibility of considering the set of elements of goods marked as a holistic and coherent text, which is characterized by a certain structure. The author considers a typical invariant compositional structure of goods marking and attempts to search for common features between the goods marking and texts in the interpretation accepted within the framework of linguistics and semiotics.


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