Cognitive aspects of English cultural terminology study




cognitive linguistics, term, concept, frame, terminology, cognitive- discursive paradigm


The article deals with some peculiarities of cognitive aspects of English cultural terminology study on the example of that of music. Cognitive linguistics has deep prerequisites and close connections with various fields of knowledge. In modern linguistics, the cognitive-discursive paradigm is used, within the framework of it a conceptual analysis of terms is carried out as well as a frame analysis, which makes it possible to build a conceptual model of terminology. Modern cognitive linguistics considers language as a cognitive activity. The objective of our research is to study the cognitive aspects of the English cultural terminology, in particular musical. The subject of the study is the linguistic-cognitive features of the English terminology of musical culture. The relevance of our research is determined by the application of the latest scientific paradigms of modern linguistics for the study of terminology. Cognitive and cultural information can provide a key to understanding socio-historical events, show the process of professional terminology formation. The cognitive approach deepens the understanding of the term. Special lexical units connected with culture are studied from the cognitive linguistics point of view. The anthropocentric trend in linguistics, which considers language in relation to consciousness, necessitates the solution of a number of issues of translation practice, taking into account the interaction of language, thinking and orientation of the translator. In the process of research we came to the conclusion that cognitive approach to the study of the term allows us to consider the term as a result of cognitive activity of specialists in the field of culture. The study of terminological systems with the help of cognitive analysis makes it possible to build specific cognitive models and further explore the processes of their formation and functioning. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of applying the data obtained in the courses of lectures on Lexicology and Cognitive Linguistics, teaching English as a specialty, in Translation courses.


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