Peculiarities of translating English historical terms into Ukrainian




translation, equivalent, calquing, transcoding, phrase translation, combined renomination, historical term


The article is devoted to the analysis of rendering specificities of historical terms from English into Ukrainian. The relevance of the topic is determined by the direction of modern linguistic research on the study of the functional features of the branch terminology which are a consequence of the continuous development of several aspects, in particular history, as well as the need for an exhaustive study of the translation of terminology, which functions in the English historical discourse by means of the Ukrainian language. The purpose of the research is to study the functioning of the historical terms in modern English and the peculiarities of their translation into Ukrainian. The object of the study is the historical terms in the modern English and Ukrainian languages. The subject of the study is the main methods of translating English historical terms into Ukrainian. The main task facing translators of historical discourse is to find a term equivalent in the target language. A terminological equivalent is a lexical unit of the target language, which corresponds as closely as possible to the source language lexeme describing precisely a special concept and performing the same function regardless of the context. The results of the analysis indicate that historical terms are reproduced using a number of translation methods, including the use of equivalent which is the most frequent method of translation (77 cases, 47%), calquing (38, 23%), and transcoding (24, 15%). Phrase translation (16, 10%) and combined renomination (9, 5%) are the least used methods of translating historical terms.


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