Lexical and grammatical peculiarities in the translation of animated films
animated film, localization, grammatical converting, film text, strategies, stylistics, film translationAbstract
The article reveals the peculiarities of the transfer of lexical and grammatical components in the animated films, analyzes the methods used in the translation of English-language films into Ukrainian and presents ways to reproduce stylistic features. The aim is to identify lexical and grammatical features in the translation of animated films. In addition, the goal is to analyze the strategies and effective ways of conveying the content that arise in the translation process. The importance of the research lies in the need to study the components of the film’s text, which serve as a leading tool in working with the plot, as well as ways to adequately translate the scripts of modern cinema. A significant factor is the emergence of a considerable amount of foreign film production, which leads to the development of Ukrainian dubbing and the improvement of various methods in reproduction of plots in the field of translation. The subject of the research is a set of ways to convey the lexical and grammatical features of the plot in the process of translation and reproduction of stylistic integrity, in particular through the use of various transformations. The theoretical significance of the study is the generalization of information about the concept of “film text” and its functions, highlighting the specifics of film translation and its difficulties, as well as studying a set of strategies that help in the localization process. The practical value of the work is that the studied theoretical material and the results of the analysis in the translation of the film text, which contains a number of transformations, can be used for further exploring and deeper study of ways in lexical and grammatical transmission of the film’s text. In addition, the data obtained in the research process will be useful for teaching and further development of modern translation studies. The conclusions highlight the importance of research for future scholars, which is based on the establishment of new methods of working with film translation and determining the stylistic characteristics of the plot.
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