Functional dimension of inverted models in English-Ukrainian co-referential pairs as the idiostyle element




inversion, expressiveness, English-Ukrainian contrast, coreferential pair, functional dimension, individual style, belles-lettres text


The article elucidates inverted models’ functional dimension in the English-Ukrainian co-referential pairs of the G. Greene’s belles-lettres text. Graham Greene is known to be one of the famous English writers of the twentieth century. Irony, sarcasm and ludicrous attitude towards people and environment, with defiance to traditional concepts and values. In elucidating the selected material, a set of linguistic methods and approaches have been applied aiming at defining isomorphic and allomorphic factors of the inverted models’ functioning in the contrasted languages. The inversion frequency in text and distributional capacity of this category in English and Ukrainian constitute the key divergent features. The definition of a co-referential pair notion, and the significance of the immanent and transcendental research approach as well the relevance of the inverted discourse fragments analysis has been stated. The multilevel of the inverted contexts stylistic potential consideration contributes to its preservation in the target text. In the English text stylistic inversion is used to: 1) to emphasize the stressed semantically and conceptually significant units; 2) characterizing and assessing of personages with special attention to the units of temporal and locative semantics; 3) adverbial units shifting to the “unusual” sentence position to achieve the discourse fragment expressiveness; 4) artistic detail actualization; 5) use of inversion as an element of the other rhetoric figure (metonymy, in particular) for the artistic imagery development.


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