To some aspects of stylistic symmetry in poetry
symmetry, form, content, asymmetricityAbstract
Stylistic symmetry seems to be one of the least studied concepts in present day literary discourse. Incompleteness implied in symmetry serves as a powerful means to penetrate into worldview, religion, esthetic system, symbolism, and finally, semantics of the words. At first sight it may seem that semantic incompleteness of symmetry interferes into understanding these spheres. However, it is a key to open many phenomena in ideology, aesthetics and world vision of their creators. A restriction of the affinity domains causes new senses. Noticing slight differences in symmetry members, at once we have to see something that units them. As a result, we can draw a list of kinship features, and decode the author’s message. Incompleteness of symmetrical structure is one of the key characteristics of stylistic symmetry. Two members of symmetry imply the same things, but they do it differently. This specificity of both symmetric members is tightly connected with a differentiation of poetic and scientific description. The former is always “imprecise”: “imprecise metaphor”, “imprecise metonymy”, “imprecise poetic image”. Impreciseness has a special function in art as far as its perception seems to be co-creation, as if we solve the problem set by the author. The notion of stylistic symmetry is also linked to those of the form and content, the combination of which creates poetic images or causes new interpretations. The study of imagists’ poetry is interesting from this perspective due to the synthesis of a visual perception of the form, in which a complex abstract meaning is implied.
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